
Showing posts from January, 2019

Using Leaf Mulch!!!

It is 4 degrees out today and it does not feel right to write about flowers or caterpillars, so I want to share one of the successes of creating habitat for insects I had in 2018 using all of my excess maple leaves as an alternative to bark mulch.  According to the National Wildlife Federation , using leaves for mulch is critical to many butterflies and other species of insets, including luna moths, great spangled fritillaries, woolly bear caterpillars (which become Isabella tiger moths) and red-banded hairstreaks.  These are just examples.  Insects need a place where they can escape predators, the sun and certainly the cold weather.  They also forage for bacteria, fungi and detritus that exists in decomposing leaf material.  So in the fall of 2017, I decided to start taking control of the yard I purchased the year before because the landscape was all barren bark mulch.  Nothing really lives in the bark mulch.  It is all carbon with few nutrients and...

Native Cultivars: Our New Silent Spring

Several years ago I bought a "native" coneflower at the farmers market.  It was double flowered, looked really great in the pots, the same species name as the native coneflower and it said 'native' right on the label.  I knew that coneflowers (echinacea) were great for bumblebees, moths and butterflies and this one looked really special .  I planted it right next to a few more traditional looking coneflowers. What I saw during the year was that there was never a single bee, moth or butterfly on the "native" cultivar but the traditional coneflowers had many.  As it turns out, the marketing of 'nativars' or cultivars of native species as actual native plants at markets and even well respected nurseries is becoming a real problem.  Giant factory scale greenhouses replacing the use of native species in our landscaping with sterile varieties.  Unfortunately, as my experience showed, these cultivars have been selected for ornamental traits and often do n...

2019 Seeds & Plants

This post contains a list and links of seed varieties I will be germinating this year.  I am offering them up to anyone interested creating butterfly or insect habitat in and around Portsmouth.  Click "Read More" to see links to each species on Prairie Mood Nursery's web site.  My inspiration this year was an amazing trip to Richmond Island near Cape Elizabeth.  There were so many butterflies and bugs everywhere.  Please post in the comments if you'd like me to start a few extras and I will plan accordingly.  Even better, if you plan to start some seeds on your own, we can all help each other and the butterflies and insects with whom we share this corner of the world.  Partridge Pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata .  This is a host plant for Orange Sulphurs in N.H. Anise Hissop, Agastache foeniculum .  Tall Thistle, Cirsium altissium . Golden Alexanders, Zizia aurea . Pearly Everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea (This is a host plant fo...

Starting from scratch!

Hello Everyone!   With a complete lack of organization and planning, I am starting the Portsmouth Caterpillar Club this year!  The goal is to create a group to discuss, promote and grow native plants that promote insect diversity and habitats, particularly for larval stages.  Please join, follow, comment etc., and I will take this wherever it may lead!  -Justin