Wild Seeds

Summit of Borestone Mountain Audubon Sanctuary, Maine. I love native plants. If you don't know that already, just get a really nice frying pan and bang it against your head a few times and see if that helps get the message though. Oh my, did I just write that? Sorry. It is just really tough to watch the natural world get erased by the force of human disregard for nature: big box stores and the finest retailers alike sell foreign plants to decorate lawns that are no better in ecological terms than your average parking lot; armies of landscape contractors use machines blow away leaves in the fall that would otherwise feed the soil and harbor eggs and larvae and bury the hew survivors with bark mulch made from the chipped and dyed remains of our forests. Biddeford Pool, Maine. Nature is being systematically destroyed and your local garden center claiming to sell native plants is an accomplice. Nursery plants are clone...